The media has changed substantially in the last ten years – and our approach to working with the media has evolved with it. One example is the typical approach by most media trainers to focus on driving home messages.
Some will even say “It doesn’t matter what the reporter asks you – you’re going to deliver your messages.”

Henry Alfred Kissinger – 56th US Secretary of State
A decade ago this was the common philosophical approach to media training. Get your messages out there – regardless of the conversation. Society has just become more sophisticated than that. It’s now critical that you demonstrate you’re engaged in the conversation with the reporter. Your narrative is an important part of your planning – but your approach to the interview can’t be so blunt anymore.
Here’s an example of someone driving home their messages
Ouch. This just doesn’t work anymore. We will work with you, and your personal style, to engage in the conversation to the point that you’re weaving in your narrative in a way that’s invisible and comfortable – to you, the reporter and to the audience.
We provide personalized media training in Edmonton, Calgary or anywhere in Alberta tailored to your needs and schedule.
Media Training for Municipal Leaders
We’ve developed a media training curriculum specific to elected and senior non-elected municipal leaders. We’ve teamed with Karen Leibovici, the former President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and two-term Alberta MLA to offer an unparalleled training experience. See more here.
To arrange for media training in Edmonton, Calgary or anywhere in Alberta, complete the form below or contact Doug Downs at (403-835-6784) or [email protected]