
Posts Tagged: communications

Six approaches to drive focus in a communications consultancy

Focus and coherence within a communications consultancy are easily hampered by choosing the wrong work, too eagerly becoming an order taker, systems that don’t flex to meet client needs and myriad other challenges. After six years in business and a few more grey hairs, here are six approaches we have learned to stay sane at the…

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What good is theory if you can’t apply it?

By Carina Ludgate, communications co-ordinator  Is a practical skill better than the ability to formulate an argument based on theoretical knowledge, or vice versa? When it comes to the field of communications specifically, how valuable is theoretical knowledge if it can’t be used to help communicate our messages? Many communications students may have asked themselves…

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A simple formula that helps separate Tactics from Strategy

By Derek Logan, communications advisor Strategy and tactics are the prince and the pauper of planning, just like the two Mark Twain characters that are often mistaken for each other. Strategy sits higher on the planning hierarchy than tactics, but certain surface characteristics – like broad-based actions, stakeholder groups and timelines – can exist in…

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The thin line between internal and external communications

by Derek Logan, communications advisor Ask enough professional communicators the difference between internal and external communications and most will tell you there isn’t one. Many say internal and external communications are two sides of the same coin, and that most internal messaging eventually becomes external. A boundary between an organization and the public is porous….

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‘Get a clean shirt’: The challenge to define public relations

by Derek Logan, communications advisor Classic movie lovers might remember this scene from the 1956 Gregory Peck drama The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit. Peck plays a middle-aged Wall Street type looking for a change in his job. A fellow co-worker tells him there is an opening in the public relations department which will…

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